Nonlinear Structural Materials Module Updates
Performance Improvements
The computational cost of assembly operations for creep, plasticity, shape memory alloys, and viscoplasticity has been significantly reduced.

Plasticity Improvements
A new Backward Euler, damped algorithm is available for the Plasticity feature. The new method is intended to improve robustness for highly nonlinear plasticity models. In addition, a new Modified Johnson–Cook isotropic hardening model is available.
Pressure-Dependent Plasticity
A new Pressure-Dependent Plasticity subnode has been added to the Linear Elastic Material, Nonlinear Elastic Material, and Hyperelastic Material nodes in the Solid Mechanics interface. This new class of material models can handle large compressive strains and is enhanced with compression cap and tension cutoff models.

New Tutorial Models
COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.3 brings the following new tutorial models to the Nonlinear Structural Materials Module.
Diaphragm Accumulator
Phase-Field Modeling of Dynamic Crack Branching
Ionic Polymer–Metal Composite Actuators in a Robotic Manta Ray
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